R100 subsea deployment

Connecting 15 Scottish islands

During the course of 2022, vessels laid a total of 16 new R100 subsea cables connecting 15 Scottish islands to faster broadband as part of the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100% (R100) North contract.

The 16 subsea cables will help connect 15 Scottish islands:

  • Colonsay, Iona and Lismore in Argyll and Bute Council
  • Eigg in the Highland Council area
  • Eday, Flotta, Hoy, Rousay, Sanday, Shapinsay and Stronsay in Orkney Islands Council
  • Fair Isle, Unst, Whalsay and Yell in Shetland Islands Council

All of the R100 North contract build will be gigabit capable – this is more than 30 times faster than the Scottish Government’s original commitment to deliver 30Mbps.

R100 subsea infographic

R100 subsea cable interactive map

Click on the hotspots in the interactive map to view the subsea broadband cables deployed in the R100 programme. You can also view the subsea cables from the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme.

White = R100 | Yellow = DSSB

Colonsay - Mull

The Colonsay to Mull subsea broadband cable was the last deep water cable scheduled for the R100 build.


Eday - Sanday

Around 1km of R100 broadband cable was buried under the sand at the Eday landing point.


Westray - Eday

This R100 subsea cable from Westray to Eday was completed in July 2022.


Eigg - Scottish Mainland

At 27km long the subsea broadband cable from Eigg to the Scottish Mainland is the second longest cable in the R100 deployment.


Fair Isle - Shetland

Fair Isle is the most remote island of the R100 deployment by distance to its neighbouring islands.


Hoy - Flotta

The Hoy to Flotta subsea broadband cable was one of seven deployed around the Orkney Islands.


South Ronalday - Flotta

The South Ronaldsay to Flotta subsea broadband cable was one of seven deployed around the Orkney Islands.


Mull - Iona

This cable was one of three that were laid in shallow waters meaning smaller vessels were used to connect the subsea cable from one landing point to the other.


Scottish Mainland - Lismore

This was the shortest cable in the R100 deployment at 1.4km. A smaller vessel was used to tow the subsea broadband cable from one landing point to the other in these shallow waters.


Orkney Mainland - Rousay

This cable was one of three that were laid in shallow waters meaning smaller vessels were used to connect the subsea cable from one landing point to the other.


Sanday - Fair Isle

The Sanday - Fair Isle - Shetland cables combine to total 110km, the longest of all the R100 subsea cables.


Stronsay - Sanday

The Stronsay to Sanday subsea broadband cable was one of seven deployed around the Orkney Islands.


Orkney Mainland - Shapinsay

This was one of seven subsea broadband cables laid around Orkney during the R100 deployment.


Shetland - Whalsay

This subsea broadband cable was the first deep water cable to be laid during the R100 deployment.


Shetland - Yell

This was one of three subsea broadband cables that were deployed around the Shetland isles during the R100 programme.


Yell - Unst

The Yell to Unst subsea broadband cable is the most northerly of the R100 deployment.


Largs - Millport

The Largs to Millport subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Kilchattan Bay - Millport

The Kilchattan Bay to Millport subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Rothesay - Toward

The Rothesay to Toward subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Kilfinan - Lochgilphead

The Kilfinan to Lochgilphead subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Campbelltown - Shiskine

The Campbelltown to Shiskine subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Corrie - West Kilbride

The Corrie to West Kilbride subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Jura - Port Askaig

The Jura to Port Askaig subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Glenbarr - Port Ellen

The Glenbarr to Port Ellen subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Jura - Ormsary

The Jura to Ormsary subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Kilchoan - Tobermory

The Kilchoan to Tobermory subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Craignure - Oban

The Craignure to Oban subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Ardgour - Onich

The Ardgour to Onich subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Stornoway - Ullapool

At 79km, the Stornoway to Ullapool subsea cable was the longest one deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme.


Lochmaddy - Leverburgh

The Lochmaddy to Leverburgh subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Carnan - Dunvegan

The Carnan to Dunvegan subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Ardvasar - Mallaig

The Ardvasar to Mallaig subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Dervaig - Scarinish

The Dervaig to Scarinish subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Lochboysdale - Eriskay

The Lochboysdale to Eriskay subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Eriskay - North Bay

The Eriskay to North Bay subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Evie - Westray

The Evie to Westray subsea cable was deployed during the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband (DSSB) programme in 2014.


Subsea cable route

The deployment started in the Shetland islands and worked its way south towards the Inner Hebrides.


In 2022, we spoke to Clive, Andy and Paul ahead of the Normand Clipper setting sail for Norway where it was being loaded with 224km of subsea cables. Find out what they had to say about the subsea activity and the R100 programme.

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Find out how the R100 programme is already benefitting residents throughout Scotland by taking a look at some of our case studies.